As I talk about the scene where Leon meet up Roy at the VIDPHONE booth, There is the unused cut that Leon come
Month: January 2020
The “Golf Goods” neon sign in Ridleyville
For Japanese Blade Runner fans, the `ゴルフ用品 (Golf Goods)` neon sign on the filme “Blade Runner” is
Making of VID-PHONE
Now, The VID-PHONE is showing up on Ridleyville. YouTube video recording the production process is here.
I keep be on the lighting work.
I keep be on the lighting work. I almost completed the work of the building in front. Next time, I plan to cre
I am setting lights on the rooftop of the building.
Blade Runner White Dragon Cut 5 including perfect CG reproduction of Los Angeles cityscape drawn by Syd Mead i